The DREAM BIG program includes a YEAR of inspiration, articles and information to GROW your creative business! Below is a calendar of business topics discussed in the DREAM BIG program. This list is the starting point for discussions and creative business worksheets. This program was originally published in 2012 and is now available for self guided access. All pdf workbooks and videos are available for instant access once you are a registered member of the DREAM BIG online community.
january - creative business goals
building a business based on passion
managing an irregular income
balancing work & life
budget + income projection worksheets
planning your creative marketing roadmap
transitioning your career
{VIDEO} dream big planner + calendar planning worksheets
business art journaling cards + collage sheets
LIVE CHAT replay
february - creative marketing roadmap
strategies to write your marketing plan
how-to marketing calendars + budget projections
integrating social media + pinterest into your marketing mix
how to plan successful marketing campaigns
the components of a successful product launch plan
the hunt for inspiration
february tabs + collage sheet
{VIDEO} art vs. business - finding the time to make art
march - collections & product design
documenting the process
creating your signature style
designing a collection
pricing your artwork
sketching product ideas
ideas for extending your art
finding raw & unique materials
april - digital products
Etsy selling/marketing strategies
designing digital products
creating passive income streams
developing a digital store
selling your digital designs
may- art + design + book publishing
writing + brainstorming a book proposal
book proposal worksheets
art+design+book publisher resources and overview
writing for a magazine
developing a publication plan
june - market research
conducting your own market research
online resources and search ideas
discovering alternative markets
using ETSY + social media for research
research 101 - techniques for market research
target market + research worksheets
july - blogging & social media
the future of social media
monetizing your blog - alternative ways to make money
blog sponsorships - product reviews
what’s your story? + worksheets
social media mix - how do these all integrate
you & your blog
even more blog content ideas - 33 blog ideas
august - publicity
blog media kits + planning worksheets
understanding your digital footprint
creative business journaling cards
alternative FREE + low cost advertising
trade for advertising
autumn blog topics + collage worksheets
september - building community
attracting an audience
25+ creative ways to build your audience
community ideas
establishing your BRAND
who is your audience?
october - teaching your craft
teaching ideas venues + proposals
where can I teach? event overviews
teaching income projection worksheets
AUTUMN topics {words + project ideas}
november - AUTUMN creative business camp
prepping for the holidays
DIY post-it blog calendar
35+ holiday blog ideas
HOLIDAY planning {journal cards + collage sheets}
SOCIAL MEDIA holiday promotion
creative HOLIDAY packaging
LIVE CHAT replay
december - evaluating your SUCCESSFUL year
evaluating the year and planning for next year
ANNUAL business review: highlights & successes
where did you make money? what are the most profitable aspects of your business?
creative business planning worksheets
what did you learn this year?
DREAMING BIG...what’s next for you?