
TYPE + letters online workshop

    • type + letters online workshop

      +27 HD technique videos
      +20 pdf workbooks includes over 80 pages
      +self guided workshop


      WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION |REDEFINE the Doodle: TYPE + letters---> Explore and develop your unique lettering style. Throughout this mixed media workshop you will be creating a TYPE & lettering sketchbook/art journal. Daily creative lessons will encourage you to draw and sketch your very own unique styles of letters. This class is a combination of both exploration and design. You will learn a mix of lettering, art journals, painting and collage technique, study letterforms and use them in different ways to design your personal graffiti.

      This online workshop includes content based on topics in my book Doodles Unleashed. All the lessons and videos in the online workshop series are different from the video kit club.


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