PROJECT VELOCITY: coaching + coworking

One of the comments I keep hearing from students is I just need to be more find the time to create. I continually hear…”there is not enough time in the day…how do I fit in my art with all of my other commitments.”

What could you accomplish in 30 days? What if you could sit in your studio for 17 hours of uninterrupted time devoted to your project? What if during each of those work sessions you had complete focus and clarity on what you’re doing?

How much would you get accomplished?

I’m devoting 17 hours over the next 30 days to cowork (online) with you.

And actually, a few of those hours are coaching sessions where you can come ask any and all of the questions you have about your creative project.

It’s Day 30, how do you want to feel at the end of this sprint? what will you have accomplished? How will you celebrate or reward yourself?

Join me and your creative friends for PROJECT VELOCITY...think of this as a creative sprint...a commitment to show up for the next month and really do the work.

Part goal setting, coaching, accountability, creative practice, and studio sessions. This is not a workshop, although I’ll share a few ideas, creative prompts, journal reflections and ways to move your next art project forward and complete it. Plus, I will be available to answers your questions and provide coaching during our VIRTUAL studio office hours.

Stop procrastinating and create focused time to complete your creative project!

JOIN us for highly focused “sprints” of working on your project. During each hour on the calendar (the dates and times are below--all times are in Pacific), I lead off our calls with a few creative prompts/journal reflections and 30 min of coaching. We’ll do 25 minutes of silent working, followed by a few minutes to provide updates to each other and collaborate . . . then we'll repeat our work-then-break pattern one more time.

This sprint method is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE for boosting productivity and actually getting things done--and getting them done faster than you thought was possible.

PLUS, you’ll have the opportunity to present your project to the group, get feedback and collaborate during each session and our final PRESENTATION PARTY.

Also, I wanted to provide additional sessions where you can ask me questions about your art projects, get feedback on your social media graphics, product development, etc. . .

. . . I added two BONUS sessions of Virtual Office Hours where you can get your creative project/business questions answered on March 12 & 15th. 


Join me for a 4-week creative sprint plus a BONUS week to FINISH your next mixed media art series or creative project. Here’s the creative itinerary…

project velocity coaching + coworking with Traci Bautista


want to try it out?

JOIN US for a PROJECT VELOCITY 1-DAY coworking session