What could you accomplish in 30 days? {actually 5 weeks 😊}


The digitalCANVAS FALL Accelerator is a high-touch, fast-paced five week program where we’ll work together to design your creative project or collection through LIVE trainings, Procreate tutorials, sketchbook resources, a private community and accountability check-ins.

The live and personalized style really propels students forward to implement, make progress, and get great results.

BONUS #1: PLUS get bonus access to INSPIRATION SKETCHBOOK bootcamp! {$147 value}

Read all the details about the FALL Accelerator and INSPIRATION SKETCHBOOK bootcamp in the digital PDF. CLICK on PDF image below, click on the arrows on the bottom of the PDF to advance the pages. You can also swipe left to view all 13 pages.

If you have questions feel free to DM me on IG @treicdesigns. I look forward to you joining me!

TO REGISTER, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on one of the digitalCANVAS options. 

digitalCANVAS Accelerator {FALL 2022} by tracibautista