Are you looking for an easy way to choose colors for your canvas? "I need help with color palettes...I tend to stick to the same colors" is what I often hear from many of my students. 

Well...I'm excited to announce that I have created a brand new way to infuse new color ideas into your canvas or art journal. Handcrafted with the mixed media artist in mind, these unique paints are created by Traci Bautista from a custom mixed organic binder & various pigments. These are not your traditional watercolors.

Each month, OCT-DEC 2018 you'll receive a beautiful package full of handcrafted watercolor inks + paints in a thematic color palette...perfect for your art journal or sketchbook. The monthly collection will include handcrafted artisan watermedia inks and hand painted swatches. See the subscription options below...

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